Interim Highlights
For the six months ended 30 September 2016
•Net asset value (“NAV”) per share at 30 September 2016 of 145.7p; up 3.5p (2.5%) from NAV per share of 142.2p
at 31 March 2016.
• Total shareholder return for the period of 10.4% (annualised), based on interim dividends declared plus uplift in NAV
per share in the six month period.
• Aggregate quarterly dividends declared for the first half were 3.82p per share (2015: 3.72p); on
track to achieve the Company’s aggregate dividend target of 7.65p per share for the full year1
• Value of the Company’s investment portfolio up 7.9% in the six months, based on the 30 September 2016 Directors’
valuation of £2,189.9m (31 March 2016: £2,030.3m).
• Four investments and one follow-on investment completed in the period and a contract signed for a further four new investments and two follow-on investments, for a combined total commitment of £102.5m.
• Over-subscribed tap issuance in September 2016 raised £113.4m to fund investments and pipeline.
• Pipeline of further attractive investment opportunities across all segments of the Company’s investment strategy.
For the full report please follow the link below