
InfraRed Appoints Partnerships for Renewables to Construct Crook Hill Wind Farm

4 April 2019 Investments
PfR is a renewable energy developer that primarily works in partnership with public bodies such as Forestry Commission Scotland and the Ministry of Justice. It was established in 2007 and now has a portfolio of onshore wind projects throughout the U.K., several of which are operational or under construction with many more at various stages of development.

PfR will start construction work on Crook Hill in spring 2014 with the wind farm due to be completed and generating power in early 2015.

Commenting on PfR’s appointment to Crook Hill, PfR’s Construction and Operations Director Simon Vince, said:

We are delighted with PfR’s appointment to develop Crook Hill Wind Farm onbehalf of InfraRed. Construction and management of consented projects on behalf of others is a new and exciting addition to our business and I hope this will be the first of many. We look forward to delivering Crook Hill to the higheststandards of safety and quality, to the agreed budget and on programme with minimal effects on the local community.

James Hall Smith of InfraRed, said:

We are pleased to add Crook Hill to our portfolio of U.K. environmental infrastructure assets. We look forward to working with PfR on this project,given their strong credentials in this area.

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